Free from exmas

woohooo! finally mid-year exams had ended, so stressed by it lol. what i like about it was that it always end early for the last few papers like lit, art, LC etc then can go out after that xD what i wanna say first is...thank you guys so so so so sososososo x10000000 much for the 6900+ views (in just a month; last month on the 10th was 6100s and it was 6900+ today! (10th May), i will update more promise! <3)

i went to watch 'filial party' [a local movie] at cathay today it was so nice hahas (and touching)

today was the seond last paper, art. i used to like art and always scoring well in art but until i had gone to sec 2, the teacher changed and i hated that subject lol #byeart #iwillmissyoubadly
i just ate mac just now and was listening to team by lorde all day it was so nice i know its a old song but i heard it at westgate just now and suddenly remind me of it so i went to listen it and i was in love with it hahas

oh yeah and saying about westgate, i went to the newly opened playgrould-park end of thing with gabriel just now. its wasnt fun at all despite it being so big. i skipped 3 lessons of gymnastic during the exmas period AHAHA #baddieme this is how the playgrould look like:

oh yeah im also intending to buy this chanel perfume cover for my S5 ahahahaa (i know its kind of early but LATER NO MORE ALREADY HOW, HOW?! HAHAS) all their stuff only last for a limited time only lorh kns.

oh yeah and also i'm going swimming next wednesday yay [on14 May omg just realised it's going to be mid may soon, time really flys like asdfghjkl firggin fast] marking day hence no school yo
last paper which is LC and both english and chinese teacher didnt even gave us practice no even a single bit wtf which is on monday
oh yeah really interested in the alexander wang studded bag it so nice omg i cant even hope can get one soon *.*
and also, when am i starting to flim video and upload it on youtube? real soon. just gimme some time. xD
ok that's all about it today, gonna post my 'Everything i had done in: april' real soon, just gimme some time to gather all memories and i had blogged this and gonna give some time for you guys to read first (;
random picture:
recent selfies:

lastly, i brought my galaxy hater finally ahahaha it had been dragging for long. finally found it ahahaha

(stressed depressed but well dressed shirt from brandy hehe)
byee lovlies! its like 12:31am going back to askfm to finish the shirtnote/ tbh thingy (not intending to sleep today as im gonna to otp with le bestie hahas)
and boom im gone