I need a break / I love you guys

I really do need a break. No sweet greetings or what today, really stressed for end of years exams like hey side effect says so. Major exams are coming and i still got time to blog? Yes I do. Im using my sleeping time to blog, I had been ditching my blog for a real long time but hey ain't I'm blogging now? :D okay really really really pleased that my blog had reached 10 thousands views yes, u didn't read wrongly it's 10 THOUSANDS VIEWS (as u can see from the picture attached below) This is insane because I hadn't care about my blog for a really long time and boom! 10K views already I'm really happy about it and it's been a year plus since I created this blog just by posting a really short blog post.
Recent story about me? I'm going Indonesia with my school to do some charity work tommorow It would be really fun as we'll be painting the orphanage there and a lot more charity stuff.
Will do a recent loots asap when I'm free I really hope I can do well for EOY examinations, do wish me good luck and all the best for yours too! Love ya muacks