Sorry for the lacks of updates!

Hey awesome readers! Sorry the lacks of updates, actually I have lots of post coming up but what I need is a good camera, to post pictures here in my blog. I dropped my Samsung s4 into the toilet bow and since then I must use some android smart phone which are not smart at all hahas, they have ultra bad cameras which take ultra bad photos thus I can't post a good photo up, anyways posts like:
Hair removal cream (without shaver)
Attitude problem
Low self esteem
Dry and cracky lips? No problem!
Best eye liner&false eye lashes in the world (Dollywink)
How to have a flawless growing skin
Contact lenses part 2 of 4
Fav show of the month
And more are coming up!
So stay tunes guys :)
Signing off for now,
Adelaide ang
<3 arianagrande<3