
So recently I've been confirmed which means I'm an adult catholic now (in case if you haven't know, I'm a Roman Catholic)
YAY hehhehe soo my middle name now is Adelaide Madison Ang
Why did I chose Madison? Because I find it nice nothing else
It was a really really cool experience to walk in the church with the archbishop, prist and the alter boys
A short note to my catechism class friends and teachers:
So 22 Nov 2015 marks the end of my catechism journey but not the end of my catholic faith! As William goh the archbishop said, there's never ending learning to the relion even as a archbishop his still learning new things everyday! It was a memorable 9 years attending catechism class, taking our effort to come to class every Saturday since 2007 even though we looked forward to end everytime but as we grew older we liked it more and time passed so fast that 9 years is already gone like that! It was nice knowing everyone inside, especially shermin and andrea!
Class was more fun with you guys around ;)
Happy Comfirmation everyone, bless the God! :D

It's time again

HEYY GUYSSS its been quite sonme time?? JUST to update abit?
It's time for a new blog yasss that's rightt
AND U KNOW WHAT i was f-ing ecstatic when i log in to my blog website tdy and the pageviews was 20017 views!!! i was f-ing crying sia omgggg T.T"
sorry for sounding like a bimbo but AHAHAH but the feeling is like damn satisfied omg idk how say forget about it
So basically i personally feel that social medias are getting reaally boring nowadays? like who still goes instagram often? i mean yes people still goes to instagram and whatnot but its not like a 'thing' already. To be honest i don't know what's the trendning social media website already
Saying about social media don't u guys think that the name contradicts itself? "Social" media but people actually gets less social as we're always "plugged" into our phones/laptop 24/7 who still actually cares about meeting new people in real life or even socialise? i don't think many will.
Anyway that's not really that important as social medias are so addicting since life is so boringgg normally, since when no one complained about boring-ness?
I don't know why i just have a thing for blogging and etc maybe is because i like poetry?
Ugh let's move on anyway recent movie i have just watched is...Our times!! omg its sooo nice i swear i watched it 2 times in 1 week it was a rlly rlly memorable, nostagic moviee

my fav fav fav character inside is HSU TAI YU OMG his soo f-ing handsome like omggg his real name is wang da lu omggg if only i can insert de heart-eyes emoji!!!

The movie theme song is also really *.*.*.*!!! 

Seriously, fav movie for the month!!
And and, hunger games is also coming out!!! 19 nov!! omfg #CANTWAIT
i dont get why all my friends are not so crazy over that movie :(( kinda sad AHAHAH

(look at how heavenly my katniss everdeen looks <3)

OH ANDDDD the recent 9pm channel 8 show is qi fei right? It reminds me of girl in pinafore soundtrack!! That movie is also srsly damn *.* u guys should watch it
The best part of the movie is the xinyao songs they sang like omgg
OKAY FOR TDY i will just write until here, that's a lot more stuff to update u guys but that's all the time i have for now, i have cca tmr and need to wear full u (perks of being in UG cca AHHAHA)
Okay so bye guys!! All the best in everything u do, and...may the odds be ever in your favor!! :) x