Hi! So im back (; I'm gonna do a review for candylicious also known as candy barbie eye. They don't have their own website, they use blogger as their webpage which i dont even know why. But who cares as long as their lens are nice, CHEAP, pretty, SAFE, and they got varieties of designs for us to choose from. I brought those lenses from this facebook blogshop named 'sweetiepie lenses' known as sweetiepie lens last time. I brought her candylicious lens around may/june/july? i dont rmb haha, its like $5-$5.50 each SO DAMN CHEAP RIGHT? She sell lenses for REALLY, REALLY, REALLY CHEAP PRICE
e.g. brands like,
$9.50/10 pairs( free 1 pair of barbie eyesland of your choice)
$9/25 pairs (free 5 pairs of barbie eyesland of your choice)
$8.50/50 pairs (free 10 pairs of barbie eyesland of your choice)
$8.20/100 pairs( free 20 pairs of barbie eyesland of your choice
$8/250 pairs (free 30 pairs of barbie eyesland of your choice)
$7.60/300 pairs(free 40 pairs of barbie eyesland of your choice)
Barbie Eyesland:
$5.80/25 pairs (Free 5 pairs)
$5.50/50 pairs (Free 10 pairs)
$4.90/100 pairs (Free 15 pairs)
$4.6/250 pairs (Free 20 pairs)
$4.2/500 pairs (Free 30 Pairs)
Winter Barbie/Disney/Geo Lens/Black and Choco Lens:
$5.5/10 pairs
$5/25 pairs
$4.90/50 pairs
$4.40/100 pairs
(P.S. I DO NOT KNOW HER, I'M NOT PAID TO DO THIS. I JUST WANNA TELL U GUYS SOME GREAT DEALS) For more information you can go to her facebook page and check it out :)
Okay back to the topic, so this is my contact lenses clutch, i put all my unopened lenses in this 'vintage but pinky' clutch my mom gave me.
And all my candylicious lenses i have now:
I don't have a real life photo to let u guys see, but here is the one from the website:
Up next is another violet coloured lens, the kira-kira dolce:
I haven't open yet, once i open i will do a update on the next post. (Stay tuned) ;)
Here's the glass casing.
Top of the glass casing:
Here's the lens w/o flash:
With flash:
Next is the devil grey, but it looked like black though:
I already opened it as i need to use:
(Me wearing the 'devil grey' (With flash))
Here's then glass casing:
Next is the normal black, actually i ordered 'magic black' but it was out of stock so the blogshop randomly pick another black lens for me, its the 'kind black', it would just make your pupil look larger, no pattern or colour.
The model wearing it:
Here's the glass casing:
W/o flash:
(Sorry it a bit blur)
Glass casing:
W/o flash:
With flash: (So predddddy *0*)
Next i ordered 'magic blue' but it was out of stock, so the blogshop randomly change another blue lens for me, i do not know the what's the name of this.
W/o flash:
With flash:
The glass casing:
It's the same as the next lens im showing you guys.
Last but not least...the 'Candy Nudy Sky blue'!
Okay so basically that's it! :)
Summary of what i brought:
Pop Queen Green
King black
Kira Kira Dolce Violet
Candy Nudy Sky Blue
Devil Grey
Candy Crystal Violet
And lastly i do not know what's the name but its in blue in colour
Candylicious lens is not as soft as other contact lens and their colour on the lens is not as vibrant/bright as other brands, that's explain why their lens is so so so effing cheap.
If you have not see the Luxury lens review click ' here ' :)
Thanks a lot for reading! ^-^
Have a happpppieee holiday and merry christmas! :D ^-^
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Facebook: Adelaide Ang
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