its 2016, what's next?

YAY OKAY HAII guys time for another "201_ what's next?" post!
Wow in an blind of an eye it's gonna be my 4th year blogging, if u guys wanna read the 2013 you can read it here, i didn't post a 2014 one as i was too busy that year and its time for a 2015 summary!
So let's have a recap of the key events that shook the region this year:
The extending arms of terror: ISIS bombed Paris a 1st world country and killed 12 people at the parsian satirical magazine Charlie hedbo
The case of the money trails: Malaysia ringet when up to 3RM for 1SGD
The haze: polluted air blew to sg for the Oct - November period
And in 2015 we have:
Adele - Hello
Drake - Hotline bling
Snapchat new filters
Taylor Swift
Apple watch
Just do it
Magic Carpet Hoverborad
iPhone 6s in pink!!
Watch me
Future of us
Christmas Wonderland
Sorry and What do you mean
Lean On
Can't feel my face
Star Wars
See you again
What do you mean
Love me like you do
50 shades
Our time
Maze runner part 2
Last hunger games
Inside Out
Christmas and Chill

2015 videos:

Well let's move on, how about me? Living a normal life with school work everyday, plus holidays and getting confirmed this year.
Best pictures on ig in 2015:

2016 would be a really busy year for me as i will be having my Os, really scare about it
What to look forward in 2016:
China builds the longest undersea tunnel in the world
Completion of the Panama Canal expansion project
Microchipping of all dogs in England 
Euro 2016 is held in France
Rio de Janeiro hosts the Olympic Games 
The first manned flight of SpaceX's Dragon V2
India's first manned space flight
India launches its second unmanned lunar probe
The International Lunar Observatory begins operations
The first hotel in space
Balloon trips up to 20 miles high
The Juno probe arrives at Jupiter
The world's largest single-aperture telescope is completed in China
The mining industry is highly automated
Agricultural robots are appearing on farms
High-definition CCTV cameras are ubiquitous
OLED displays are in widespread use
Three-person babies
New drug delivery methods for brain-related conditions
A pill to prevent sunburn
Completion of the i5K project
China completes the largest environmental cleanup in its history
Polymer banknotes are introduced by the Bank of England
United States Presiential Election

Best of Luck, Adelaide Madison Ang.
Twitter: @adelxide_ unicornlaide
---- I will miss you 2015 :( ----

Antioch camp 2K15

HAITI GUYSSSS SO yeah I just came back from antioch camp '15 (Antioch is a community in church where we do weekly prayers and bible reflection.)
I've to say that it was a great camp, everyone there was really friendly and all the speech were helpful and inspiring *thumbs up*
Dedication to antiochcals: (idk how to spell it so yeah)
If any of you guys read till this which I doubt will have any of you, I really appreciate everyone of you trying to like talk to me AND EVEN THO I MAY REPLY REALLY COLD that doesn't mean I'm unfriendly, its just that I'm really over introvert and I don't talk much to people idk however if you're like from my school, you'll know that I'm really loud and noisy and FRIENDLY so yeah ahahha I need time to open up
I wish I could be like Sarah Vivi and Rachel all cos they can like interact with anyone and I can't cos I suck at it lol..
I wish I can like open up and talk more in antioch and yeah!
I just need to pray that hope I can talk more and not so reserve la COS I'm over reserve alr until you guys think that I'm mean and unfriendly like hey nooo I just need time..
And also I hope that I can have a greater faith to God and yeah ahahha
I'm dumb so idk how to interact with ppl idk... that's really sad
Okay la I'll stop all the whining and try my best to talk more AND BE FRIENDLIER
Oh btw THANKS GUYS WHO WROTE letters for me I really appreciate and like small things like this cos it's definitely made from ♡ so thanks guys ♡♡♡
Haisss so yeah THAT'S IT FOR THIS POST I KNOW IT ISN'T long but yeah just an update x :)
-ADELAIDE :D 7:17pm 20/12/15


SOOO weee hey guys December will be a really really busy month as there's a lot things to do, but there's always time for blogging! So here isit:
Recently, almost everyday i've a event or meetup or smth going on, and its been really busy for me
Here's a short note to my ig followers: Sorry for not busy active and posting stuff regularly but i promise, just stay tune, most post coming up! x <3
Next year is my O levels year and i'm reallly scare thus preparing like siao now, study study finding tuition and so on.
Fav song and movie for the month?
You guys should know my all-time fav song  is stay high by tove lo ahh thats the best
I dont rlly have any fav song for the month but my recent songs on my playlist are: xiao xing yun, secrets by mary lambert, and lean on
Recently im really int to Malanie check out some really good songs of hers:

(^ This is the last chapter of her 'story' her music videos are like chapters of a story, and it's my fav)
Her voice is really really good:



Thanks linn for the recommendation ;)

Shout out to Proximity and House Nation - They create the best remix ever, click on the link to check them out ;)



(The guy named pong was really handsome ;D)

Fav show/drama! Thanks Zheng Yu for this!:

(Opening song)
It's call legend miyue, its a new found history and its just out this month and its already v popular aler!! Highly recommended you guys can watch the full movie here:
Tomorrow (9/12) I'm gonna celeb my this rlly good fren (be honoured if u read this) birthday! I'M GONNA SURPRISE HIM WITH SOMETHING, AND THAT'S IT FOR TODAY im gonna post a daily blog about whats in my day kind of thing from today on! So stay tune! ;)
x <3
Ig: @adelxide and @adelxide.2nd
Twi: @adelxide_
Fb: Adelaide Ang
Sc!! adelaideang
That's it for now!
x 17 more days to Christmas and 27 more days to school T.T" x


So recently I've been confirmed which means I'm an adult catholic now (in case if you haven't know, I'm a Roman Catholic)
YAY hehhehe soo my middle name now is Adelaide Madison Ang
Why did I chose Madison? Because I find it nice nothing else
It was a really really cool experience to walk in the church with the archbishop, prist and the alter boys
A short note to my catechism class friends and teachers:
So 22 Nov 2015 marks the end of my catechism journey but not the end of my catholic faith! As William goh the archbishop said, there's never ending learning to the relion even as a archbishop his still learning new things everyday! It was a memorable 9 years attending catechism class, taking our effort to come to class every Saturday since 2007 even though we looked forward to end everytime but as we grew older we liked it more and time passed so fast that 9 years is already gone like that! It was nice knowing everyone inside, especially shermin and andrea!
Class was more fun with you guys around ;)
Happy Comfirmation everyone, bless the God! :D

It's time again

HEYY GUYSSS its been quite sonme time?? JUST to update abit?
It's time for a new blog yasss that's rightt
AND U KNOW WHAT i was f-ing ecstatic when i log in to my blog website tdy and the pageviews was 20017 views!!! i was f-ing crying sia omgggg T.T"
sorry for sounding like a bimbo but AHAHAH but the feeling is like damn satisfied omg idk how say forget about it
So basically i personally feel that social medias are getting reaally boring nowadays? like who still goes instagram often? i mean yes people still goes to instagram and whatnot but its not like a 'thing' already. To be honest i don't know what's the trendning social media website already
Saying about social media don't u guys think that the name contradicts itself? "Social" media but people actually gets less social as we're always "plugged" into our phones/laptop 24/7 who still actually cares about meeting new people in real life or even socialise? i don't think many will.
Anyway that's not really that important as social medias are so addicting since life is so boringgg normally, since when no one complained about boring-ness?
I don't know why i just have a thing for blogging and etc maybe is because i like poetry?
Ugh let's move on anyway recent movie i have just watched is...Our times!! omg its sooo nice i swear i watched it 2 times in 1 week it was a rlly rlly memorable, nostagic moviee

my fav fav fav character inside is HSU TAI YU OMG his soo f-ing handsome like omggg his real name is wang da lu omggg if only i can insert de heart-eyes emoji!!!

The movie theme song is also really *.*.*.*!!! 

Seriously, fav movie for the month!!
And and, hunger games is also coming out!!! 19 nov!! omfg #CANTWAIT
i dont get why all my friends are not so crazy over that movie :(( kinda sad AHAHAH

(look at how heavenly my katniss everdeen looks <3)

OH ANDDDD the recent 9pm channel 8 show is qi fei right? It reminds me of girl in pinafore soundtrack!! That movie is also srsly damn *.* u guys should watch it
The best part of the movie is the xinyao songs they sang like omgg
OKAY FOR TDY i will just write until here, that's a lot more stuff to update u guys but that's all the time i have for now, i have cca tmr and need to wear full u (perks of being in UG cca AHHAHA)
Okay so bye guys!! All the best in everything u do, and...may the odds be ever in your favor!! :) x


Hii guys so..eoy exams are finally over yass  (tdy is marking day so yeah yas break day for us) I swear my sch end damn early other sch just start only omgg
I went shabu shabu with the best ppl on earth tdy and then vivo and town to shop, hung out and have fun hhehe
I'm so gonna study in the holidays as i think my grades will be bad af ugh
("Perks" of not being smart)
Oh and tmr the new principle will come and I srsly hope she will be nice and understanding
So I'm kinda looking forward and also not for my results as I scare I will do poorly ahahah so yeahh
Next Monday (12/10/15) I will be going to obs and i will miss all my classmates and friends omg :'( hais if it's like 3 days it's still okay but it's 5 days omgg it's kinda long
But it will be new experience for me soo I hope it will be fun hehhehe
I see no point being on alr as I think I have nth to blog about, maybe I should start and blog about some new topics from different perspective like example how to survival finals and shyt liddat heh
Oh and one more thing
I will be confirming this November which means i will be a official catholic heheh yas
I guess that's all for tdy? I find myself more to studies than to be on social medias nowadays u can see from my social medias page, I don't update often so yeahh
Actually I think of 3 new intersting post to write about so do stay tune ;) okay that's all for tdy! OH AND BTW THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE 19 000 VIEWS, I WOULDN'T HAVE COME SO far thanks to you guys, so thank you!! Heheh it's gonna be 20,000 soon which I think I shouldnt just abandon it like that so yeah, and btw, I'm going to the uss Halloween event, it's gonna be damn fun I swear as I went last year *heart eyes emoji*
Can't wait and yeah nights guys! Sch tmr

Updated my tumblr theme!!! + recent updates + EOY (STRESS)

Hey guys just a short update, tmr my school will be celebrating teacher's day and aces day and im kinda looking forward for it (??) xD For aces day sec 3 will gonna complete frisbee (yay)
The rules for frisbee is about the same as captain's ball but just without a captain and with a frisbee not a ball (duh HAHA)
IT'S SEPTEMBER wootz what's next? EOY MAN. Ughh entering the hell of gates zzz (who like exams)
I did pretty well for term 3 i suppose? even tho the scores i have still can't enter a JC ahhahha, but i did improved from term 1 and 2 💁
And yeah i updated my tumblr yaaasss (after so long) you can check it out here: ;)
All the best for EOYs guys i don't think i will be posting anything for the time being, i needa excel this exam if not i'm gonna be dead omg.
Stay healthy, remember to do exercise, stay happy and good luck ;)

Something to know about me

Hey guys, new updateeeeeee :)
So basically i was thinking of something and decided to blog about this
"Something to know about me"
Let's get started,
firstly, i do not like mainstream music like katy perry, taylor swift or whatnot. Their music is not even nice and it is just plainly boring. I like rlly rare music like french, chinese, uncommon english songs etc ;)
secondly, i don't like mainstream sports too. Like hey if you wanna do sports go for something uncommon like archery, goft, gymnastic, sailing etc i swear it won't bored you to death for those who do not like to do sports
thirdly, i don't go for something like starbucks normally as it does not taste very nice to me, it's just normal coffee with source in it, some may be nice but i will only give it a 5.5-6/10? 
4th, i prefer samsung over iphone because of many many many reasons, i won't have enough time to say it all now but just to let you guys know ahahahah
5th, math is my fav subject hands down like yaaassss not like english which will make me dizzy after compre and compo
6th, chinese is my worst subject. I can't even read anything other then those basic words
7th, im a late sleeper esp during school days and i should totally sleep soon
8th, i strongly believe its better to be out of the ordinary as the ordinary is so boring and everyone is going for it, then what's special about it already? Nothing, exactly. Just be you and yourself and have fun, play with ideas, improvise your own and enjoy! Ahahaha

"If your dream do not scare you, they are not big enough."

at the age of 4, i wanted to be a ballerina
at the age of 9, i wanted to be the popular one
at the age of 13, i wanted to be a fashion blogger
at the age of 14, i wanted to be a gymnast
at the age of 15, all i want to is to score well for my exams and get into the school of my choice
What I've learn is that everyone can be anyone they want, it's inside them, just that they did not know that they have it. Let's say if you wanna be a astronaut, then work for it! If you think it's impossible, it's not, all you need is to strive hard for it ;)
Okay so back to random update: NDP 2015 was fun af omg!!! Be it the actual day one or my school one, it's always a joy to celebrate a special event with all your friends, looking at fireworks and enjoying the views. ITS 10 AUG TODAY, LAST DAY of my holiday nawww snap, there will be a lot of tests this and next week Okay nights everyone there's school tmr! :)

*Contradicting myself* actually school is actually quite fun

Should have blogged something about productivity but since i've decide on writing on this topic...leggo
Hey so whatsup everyone its Adelaide, A D E L A I D E (trying out new intro) *laugh cry emoji* 😂😂😂😂
welcome to my blog ;)
so i rmb 2-3 weeks ago i blogged on how sch is getting boring each's not now actually 😂 its actually quite fun, especially when you can hung out with people with the same personality with you ahhahaha
We just need to open and express ourself more don't be so reserved! Get wild, get fun, talk to people, enjoy secondary school! It's only 4 years and you will not see the person sitting next to you for the rest of ur life already! -Sad truth but truth hurts so why not just embrace it!
A lot of event is coming up this week (Aug 3rd to Aug 10th) as it's the national day week wootz! HAPPY ADVANCE BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE, 祝新加坡人民国太平安 :) singapore old alr, 50 liao that's like two third of a human lifespan.
It's 3rd aug today and there will be school later and i shouldn't be blogging
Its okay i will update on this blog post soon
have a nice week ahead ;)

This is not my type of game

Get high, get drunk, be on drugs -> this is not my type of game
Teenagers nowadays at my age do this kind of stuff to be 'cool'
No, there's a reason why we're call students, because we're suppose to study, that's our job now.
Yes, you can have fun and shit like that, there's tons of stuff to do
You can go to amusement parks, cafes try out some really nice desserts, do some sports stay active and be fit, go shopping play with make ups etc, and enjoy life.
It's not the time for you guys to drink, smoke etc
It's the time for you to study, get a good grades, get a job and be rich, so that you can buy anything you want next time in your life, be it a car, a landed property or whatever branded bag/watch.
If you're gonna waste your life now, you're gonna regret later
As said, you only live once
So live it fully and the best of it
What I'm emphasizing now is something your parents say everyday
It's the most basic thing every teenager should know and understand, but it's been lacking in a lot of teenagers nowadays
If you think that drug, drinking etc is cool
Is not. Its plainly stupid and just making people to have bad impression of you as a teenager.
Be smart, stay active, be positive and live life fully - that's my type of game.
-July 26, 2015 Sunday
-Random blogpost as i was bored

School is getting boring each day // Fav stuff of the month // Random update

Hey whats uppp guyssss just an update since i dont have any hw now (fact: actually i still have a whole lot of it uncompleted hw from march holiday till now and need at least 24 hours straight to complete everything) but im still gonna write this mini blog post anyway ahahaha.
So i definely missed the june holiday was a) i dont have to go to schoo and b) i get to travellll and relax
Its 11:10pm and i havent bath omg monday bluessss
-see how unproductive my life is
-will bath after this
What's new? I will let to say that.. im officially with someone special and i will not say who here but you guys should know alr AHAHAH (hint hint social medias)
idk why i write this for, maybe i felt that i should update something soon and keep it consistence since ive always abandon my blog
i need to read up more stuff on how to not procrastinate at all
ive been procrastinating lets say... p1? didnt wanted to do my hw until when its like 10pm
most unproductive person you could ever find ughz
Fav song of the month/ period:
Shawn Mendes - Never Be Alone
*wait let me stroll my playlist*
Life of a party *.*
Classical music (its really damn relaxing to hear)
Songs by proximity yaaaasssss *.*
Galasntis runaway
Talking body
Yupp so that's the fav for this month.
Fav food/ video/ topic/ random stuff
Kinda got into the circle of league lately even tho i suck at it (cos im a newbie) but i would say its funnnn?
Ramen and sushi as always
I realised that people are not going on instagram already lately, its more to like askfm, snapchat and twitter which is very trendy now (trendier than fb and insta)
And shops are getting more into the basic plain clothes and shoes alr, hardly see any punk stuff lately #Backtobasic
Everybody's growing and geeting old, who isn't?
Kinda into 
vietnam and china food lately? Esp Vietnam noodles, "poh"
Thai food also but thai is always on my top list
I would recommend this place called "Nam Nam Noodle Bar"
They sell really nice noodles even tho it cost like $9 for one big bowl
They're Vietnamese noodles that call "poh"

Must really thank claudia for introducing it to me since i like sour stuff
Fav youtuber goes to Michelle plan! Do check out her channel on youtube ;)
Something i really cant cant cant wait for: Halloween Horror Nights 5!! USS woop!!~
Best place to hang out with ur frens even tho the queue is like shitt
Fav movieeee: recently dont have much as there isnt really any movie now but i really cant wait for paper towns and pixels hehehehe
maze runner 2!! etc etc omgosh
why hunger games ends so fast T.T
its my fav movie and will always be hais
very tired but i still wanna contiune writinggg
Fav books: paper towns and i would say lord of the files bcos it kinda nice to read HAHHAHA (my literature book)
cant wait for this sat also as my bf is opening a hotel at sentosa for his birthdayyyy!! *.* (cant put emoji so yeah T.T) we'll be going uss, staying over etc
okay its kinda late now i should be sleeping soon
nights everyone!!! ;)
ig: @adelxide and @adelxide_
lol account: adelxide
twitter: adelxide_
fb: adelaide ang
snapchat: adelaideang

SEMESTER 2, what's next?

HELLO everybody I'm back hehehe after like 1 month or so? idk okay so firstly, HAPPY first of july hehehe
secondly, what is this blog about? so semester 2 had started which means eoy is coming really soon like in about 10 weeks and everybody is stress af (at least ik im stress af) and i have no idea on how to handle stress so don't ask me anything about it, i would say maybe listen to music or play LOL? 2015 is running like wtf why is it going so fast ive not done anything at AL. at least ik if its 2014 I've done something productive already but this year i haven't its been rlly unproductive and boring. school is definety hands down boring for me in my new class, everyone misses 2F'14, literally everyone ;'(
this is like a update kind of thing? no pictures or what not, its all in my instagram, i had just posted something up (2nd account)
okay for what i know now, i must work hard for EOY AND THIS IS NO JOKE. i scored so badly for MYE then anyone can imagined and if i continually scoring like this i would rather be in hell, so i must really like study now, for this 2-3 months or so.
okay i will just end here, i totally forgot what i wanted to write about

random 20 *interesting* facts you didn't know about me! ;) + update

Hey guysss i would be flying off to china in like 3 days time and i wanna do a random "20 facts you didn't know about me" kind of thing so here is it! :)
1) I love the colour PINKKK like yasss it's de prettiest colour ever but it does not match most of the things :(
2) I used to hate reading a lotttt idky maybe because everytime when i read i will feel a lil bit dizzy but now i loveeeee lovee reading so much ahhahaha
3) I LOVE CARNIVALS LIKE HELL YA ( IT WILL BE A GOOD CHOICE FOR A DATE ;)) esp roller coaster woohoo~!
4) I LOVEE TO WATCH MOVIESSSS HEHEHEHE (Which is part of the reason why i took literature bcos i like poems too so yeah (cool shit))
5) I don't really crush on anyone but when i do i will be very very driven to it and not fall in love with anyone else
6) I have 4 siblings so there's total 5 of us so its very noisy at home AHAHA
8) I LOVE THE STARS GLAZING OMG its the best thing u could ever do with someone u love (i love the clouds and sea too)
10) I research on different topics way too much and i'm always on google for some reason
11) I LOVE TO EAT OMG THAT'S A HANDS HANDS DOWN i may be skinny but i eat a lottt (not rlly a lot but still a lot)
12) I cant stop playing with my hair and i must check my phone every minute in case there is notifications because i don't like to on sound or vibration mode since the first day i got my phone idky maybe its too annoying for me
13) I'M A 101% LATE SLEEPER okay i think everyone who knows me know this, i never sleep earlier than 11pm before and i rlly hate it because it make me wake up late in the morning and saying about morning...
14) I'M DEFINITELY NOT A MORNING PERSON and i hate waking up early in the morning esp when i have so less sleep which thus I'm always always always always always late for school -_-
15) A lot people think I'm a extrovert but fact: I'm a introvert! (For this u really need to know me more to find out)
16)  I uses the computer for more than 12 hours a day if I'm at home and i cant stop not to use it idky maybe because I've been using it since the age of 4 to play those kids games when the smart phone has not been invented
17) I used to be a math and science person last time but as the time goes, I'm starting to be a humans person already omgggg
18) (yay this thing is gonna end soon) I love taking pictures and i take wherever i go
19) I wanna be really rich next time that's why i'm studying really hard now
20) I think I'm the only person in Singapore who ask her mother that she wants tuition for every subject
21) I LOVE GYMNASTIC A LOT OMG kinda like a dream thing but its impossible for me already because i should have started it from young like 3 year old but i started at 14 which is already over-age -_-"
22) I run for the school team hehhhehe my school don't have a cross country cca but we do join the annual national cross country and I'm in it hhehehhe
OKAY so that's all for today and by now you guys should already know me more yeah? Ahhahhaha
I will talk to you next time after i come back hope you guys have a pleasent june holidays weeee~!

Little frustrations I have (1)

You know how annoying that I always wanna read a new book but I still have millions of books left hanging and untouched for months and even years and when i finally complete it, it will feel like you had completed your goal AHHAHAHA idk how to say but yeah *This is just a random 1am thought AHAHHAHAH*F

Are you an introvert or extrovert? + personal update

HII GUYSSSS :-) okay so recently it came into my mind about this extrovert and introvert thing on how people see themselves aka theories themselves in the different category. So basically introvert means generally get energy from being alone and extrovert means generally get energy from being around other people and i personally think that quite a lot of human beings are actually both which is like me, the ambivert!
So basically if you wanna know if you're an introvert or extrovert take this mini quiz to find out! (Remember your score of how many As or Bs you got)

1) When tracking problems you:
A: See the big picture
B: Notice the details

2) Do you approach people or people approach you first?
A: Approach people first
B: People approach you first

3) What are you more comfortable doing?
A: Performing
B: Learning something new

4) You will rather...
A: Have a 1-1 conversation
B: Talk to a crowd

5) You recharge by:
A: Talking to people
B: Alone time

6) When presenting a project or something would you rather
A: Go first
B: Go last

7) Are you a risk taker?
A: Yes
B: No

8) Do you
A: Talk a lot
B: Talk very little

Add up your scores
If you got mostly As you are an extrovert!
You're talkative, outgoing and energetic

If you're mostly Bs you are an introvert!
You're thoughtful, quiet and solitary

If you have like a equal amount you're a ambivert!
You can be quiet and another minute talkative

Hope you guys have leaned something new today and show off your knowledge to your friends maybe! Heheheh :p (Credits to google and researches)

UPDATEEEEE: (Point form)
Okay so mye had ended like yay but the thing is, there is not much different, just that there is lesser lessons and no more tests.
I'm going to shandong soon hehehe can't wait, i will need to prepare a lot of things and pack my luggage and essential items shopping and blahblahblah. I will be going for about 10 days and will be taking midnight flight yay heheh (i think type too much "Ahahah and heheeh" ._.)
Tmr i will be having house day which im not really looking for it because i need to wake up early like normal school day, attendance will be taken and im definitely not a morning person and i hate waking up early in the morning ugh (its 1am now)
Okay so bascially thats conclude my blog post and goodnight! Im gonna rest now and maybe not gonna post anything for this whole month unless i,m blogging in thre plan which i dont think i will be bcos bringing a laptop everywhere is troublesome and i dont like to blog on phone because the 'feeling' is not there AHAHAH okay BYEEE thank you so much for reading i cant emphasize stronger on how much i appreicate you for reading my blog :') and guess what the views is always increasing day by day and i tink i should update more
Oh yeah i know my grades already it's worst than hell i swear omgosh i needa buck up like really soon, way before EOY of course, O level is next year and what's next? Results. I dont wanna retain or what so im gonna be a typical singaporean studying day and night (which ofcus im not doing it la ahahah)
SG50 yo singaporean is getting old.
BYEE (will update on this blogpost soon)

HI!!!!! UPDATEEEEE :-)))

HI HI HI oh yay im back heheeh okay so today is 11th April, 2015 (sat) and today had been a sorta an unproductive yet productive day bcos okay firstly, my S5 LCD was spoil and i had to go and fix it but in the morning (8am) i had math extra lesson, follow up by flag day (9am, CIP points woohoo) and then released at 1pm, after that i met up with my friend to go fix my phone with me, we went to tiong to withdraw money and to eat lunch, then to chinatown to fix it, but after going around 6 shops, the fixing price was from $240 to $270 and i think its pretty unreasonable so i went to the samsung shop at commentwealth to check for the price but it wasn't open (damn lucky), so i went to the one at vivo because i don't care about the price already and surprisingly, ITS FREE BCOS ITS UNDER WARRANTY WOOHOO (saved my $250) but that's not the thing because i went there yesterday after my cca (7pm+) to check the price and the person told me was $250 to fix it and im like okay thanks but it turned up to be free (today) ugh the person yesterday gave me the wrong information and i was somehow pretty mad about it as the whole day was kinda bad because i travelled from a lot places to a lot places for the entire day and i had to skip bible class bcos of it ugh anyway let's forget about it.
I'm having my track and field competition on Monday (13/4/15) and i need to go for a short run tmr to train as i didn't train after my school cross country as there was a lot of tests going on and i don't have time to train. It's 11:09 and i will be sleeping soon as i woke up at 7am+ today.
Thanks for reading and i hope you guys will score well for ur MYE in advance (not rlly but yeah) as i won't be updating any further prior notice. LOVE you guys and GOODNIGHTSSSSS <3 ;)
Ps, do expect blog topic like "how to not procrastinate" and so on to be out soon, so do stay tune! heheh
Pps, using a really bad phone now :-(


Hey guys omg i don't even remember the last time I updated my blog theme and it's the same until now and NEW year already I should totally update a new theme. It's 2/1/2015 today and I've school later at 7am (it's 2:16am now and I can't sleep so that's why you see me blogging, I don't have enough time in the day or even night on a daily basis). I'm suppose to be blogging on "Flashback to 2014" but I dont have the time for it and do expect MAJOR MIA (missing in action) of me as SCHOOL IS really starting in less than a few hours time (yay or nay) idk but GOODLUCK in school everyone especially during attire check and may the odds be ever in your flavor. (Okay geez guys, I can't stop reading the hunger games again and again. Love that book) idek what my this blogpost is about but just read it for the sake of reading? HAHAHHA thanks yo
Love you guys. Muacks.
Ps, I really don't want to MIA but I need to
Pps, 2014 has been a really good year for me and I guess for almost everyone else.
Ppps, I can't sleep oh gosh
Pppps, good night everyone!!